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Host FAQ

How many students will stay with us?

That is up to you! We require that you host at least two students, so that each student has a roommate as required by insurance. If you can host more than two, great! You can also let us know if you have a preference for hosting guys are girls based on your house setup or family situation and we will do what we can to accommodate that.

Is it only students who attend SICM and need a host for the week?

No! We also have staff and interns from other campuses that travel with their students and need a host for the week. We will let you know if you will be host staff, students, or a combination of both.

Do I have to drive them to the church each day?

No, we take care of all the transportation. The only time you need to drive them is after the opening reception on Saturday – and if you don’t have enough room in your vehicle, we can help you out with that too!

What if there is a night we can’t be home?

No problem – once all the students are placed, we give each host a list of all the host families. You could see about sharing meals with another family (one night their students come over to your house, and vice versa another night), or if it’s just for part of the evening, your students might not mind a little down time on their own. You can always feel free to ask us to make arrangements for them if you’re not sure what to do!

What about food allergies?

We try to match up students with major food allergies to host families that are able to easily accommodate special diets. We will let you know about any allergies or restrictions that your students have.

When will we know who we will be hosting?

We try to let you know your students’ names and what school they are from about 2 weeks before SICM, along with any other important details.

If you have any additional questions please contact us!